REDCLIFFE, Furnished Cottage for Sale, four rooms hall, electric light, no agents, offer wanted A150. MARGATE, self-contained Flat, 2 bedrooms, moderate rent Mewcs, Eagle Junction, M1624. 12 to March 1st, also available for Easter apply Goldswortliy. ' " PIER View Flats and Cottage, opp, jetty, bathing,- bench, separate entrances, avail- able Jan. right on sea front, flats, rooms, houses Mrs. AVAILABLE, Redcllife, until 8th March, clean Furnished Cottage, reduced rent - Boston, Sutton Street. cony room, moderate tariff phone 33, Mrs. North Coast, Ocean Beach, Surfing.WELL furnished House, on Esplanade, three. 6d., use kitchen, sitting, dining rooms full par- ' tlculars Box X159, this ofllce. MANJALD A, renting, furnished bedrooms, single 12s. Seaside Resort, MORGANVILLE, Oceana Terrace, furnished ' Hooms,, board optional phone Wyn. Sunny Cottage, four rooms, furnished, boat, £1 Mrs. weekly, also Rooms ring 12 Tweed Heads, Mrs. IIOSTEL, Glen Apllri, heart fruit farms, e.I., septic system, fruit, milk, cream, good table Mrs. CALOUNDRA, Furnished House, three bed rooms, close to surf, overlooking sea / Mawson. STELLAMARIS, Marine Parade, first-class accommodation, one minute from surf and train, tariff on application Mrs. QUEENSLAND Hotel, on beach,, garage tariff 8s. LABNOOKJp Guest House, close station, beach, tariff mod. EASTER holidays, book now, best positions, overlooklhgjfrKlrra surf M1334, Bergln. nlshed Houses, accommodate 10 people, garage, firewood, luggage from station free H. Ocean Beach, Surfing, Fishing, COOLANGATTA, Kirra, comfortable fur. MIORA, Guest House, superior Accom, right on beach, tennis, elecirlc light, £2 2s. CRIBB Island, Trail to Let, well furnished 7 Rooms, on beach, Crlbb's Parade apply R, Boobottom, Swan Road, Tarlnga. Seaside Resort, CRIBBvIs., to Let, clean fur. FURNISHED House, available 20th, near jetty E. CARCAROODA fully furnished new Flats, accommodate seven moderate Justins, ohone. BURLEIGH, to Let, well furnished House, beach frontage, garage, now available Justins.